Sunday 3 July 2011

Djoker has last laugh, as Haye fails to wiggle his big toe

Welcome to a special edition of the blog which makes me feel better about my own lack of sporting ability by making fun of others who are a lot better. As this week saw the end of Wimbledon for another year, we have an exclusive from good friend and expert on women's tennis, Sam Travell, who gives us his top 10 players (and no, Martina Navratilova will not be on the list if you understand what I mean). There are numerous pictures and links for you to enjoy should you have a bit of spare time on your hands.

Also this week, we look at the tournament as a whole, followed by an assessment on the most overly-hyped fight in history. For all his bragging, Haye deservedly finds his place on this blog after losing so comfortably and then giving poor excuses. And as usual, there is the standard football chat and random stuff which I have decided to add in for your enjoyment.

Flop(ianski) of the week

If we knew anything before Saturday about David Haye it was that he can certainly talk the talk. Maybe he could go and work with Ed Miliband and help him with his interviews. I could just picture it now: "This election will be as one-sides as a gangrape," although with Clegg and Cameron teaming up together this prediction could become a scary possibility, albeit with the roles reversed.

However, Haye's bark is certainly better than his bite, as he was totally outclassed by Wladimir Klitschko in a fight which was as one-sided as Haye had predicted. On average, the three judges gave the Ukranian an 8 point victory which in boxing is a comprehensive victory. Perhaps we should have seen this coming seeing as Haye wore the new England away shirt as he entered the ring. Might as well start how we plan to continue. The Londoner had the support of Andy Murray for the big fight, while Klitschko had three-time Wimbledon winner Boris Becker at ringside. Again, the omens were not good.

Once the fight was over and Dr Steelhammer was announced as the clear and undisputed winner, Haye decided to put in his worst performance of the night, that was, he said he had lost because he had broken his little toe. Now it is not for me to criticise a world champion, certainly one who is a lot bigger than me, but seeing someone with biceps the size of my head complain about a little toe when Tiger Woods won a US Open having broken a leg, suffered cruciate ligament damage and had to play a fifth round makes does not seem right.

Haye's injury reminds me of the beginning of Kill Bill Volume 1 when Uma Thurman sits in the back of a car desperately trying to wiggle her little toe in order to get the rest of her legs to start moving again. Then again, Haye has said he hopes to have a career in acting once his boxing days were over. After his performance before and after the fight it isn't hard to see him star on the big screen, just as long as he isn't asked to be a stuntman in case his feet cannot cope.

Hall of Lame

"My size will take its toll on him," 
"He is so scared of losing, he has trained like a crazy man. We did not expect him to come in so light".

"David Haye's ego is way out of control, like mine was back in the day," "I've got compassion for David Haye but he's going to get schooled in the art of boxing."

Sorry to remind you about the worst fight in boxing history, but it seems appropriate to refer to the last guy who thought he was going to dominate the heavyweight scene. What's even more worrying is that Audley hasn't retired yet, although I don't think the fans in Manchester will be flocking back to see him any time soon. Still, you can't beat these quotes when you are looking for a good chuckle.

Djokovic dethrones the King

Rafael Nadal is the king of clay and for the rest of his career always will be. But he had started to become the king of grass until he was dethroned by the brutal hitting of Novak Djokovic. My admiration for Nadal, who played a rare poor match by his standards, remains undiminished, but my respect for Djokovic has definitely raised up a level. The Serbian had shown an aversion to grass which matched that of Mario Balotelli (who suffered an allergic reaction), and like our Italian friend he has found a way to overcome it.

But where does that leave Andy Murray? It's funny that when he was winning tournaments a few years ago and was number 2 in the world, a lot of people seemed to dislike him. But now that he has started to struggle more and has decided to let a load of bum fluff grow on his face he has become the darling of centre court, giving the crowd their customary semi-final appearance. He is truly the heir to Henman and I take no joy in predicting that he would not win this tournament two weeks ago as he is about as mentally strong as the Arsenal back four and as good at holding on to a lead as them. Still, it is only a couple of months until the US Open and we will continue to believe that he can win a Grand Slam (me included). I suppose with Djokovic being the new world number one he probably won't have to play Nadal in the semi-finals. Not much of a silver lining I know.
Sam Travell women's top 10

It is a great privilege for me to be writing in this blog for the first time.  I have a strong interest in tennis and girls, so what better way than to combine the two than to have a top 10. As tennis has been played for many years and me lacking knowledge about people like Virginia Wade and Sue Barker, I’ve decided to keep it a bit more recent, as in 2000 onwards.  And as Wimbledon fever has hit everyone around the country, what better way to celebrate tennis and spend your next few minutes than by looking at my top 10 good-looking female tennis players.

In coming to my conclusions, I have had to contemplate many different things. For example, I’m sure Heidi Klum (definitely worth a google) has picked up a tennis racket once in her lifetime, but unfortunately I don’t think she can make it onto my top 10 tennis players, although she certainly has talents that are worth showcasing.  All the players in my list have had a significant impact on the tennis world and have justified themselves to be classed tennis players, so without further ado, here it is:

10)  It kills me to have to place her here, but LAURA ROBSON comes in at number 10.  Close friends of mine will know about my passion for this upcoming star and my potential future wife, but after seeing a picture of her mum (  and knowing what she is going to turn into, I think a 10 is the best for her.

9) AMANDA COETZER   brings us in at number 9.  Married to a Hollywood director shows potential and being on a few modelling shoots shows when she was younger she most definitely had it. Now retired, her age has caught up with her – need I say anymore.

8) NICOLE VAIDISOVA. (!2 ) A secret talent but however a stalk back into her past brings some pleasantly beautiful pictures, however, not making a name for yourself and relatively low tennis ranking keeps this girl in 8th spot I’m afraid.

7) Another beauty at number 7, GISELA DULKO. ( Currently engaged (or maybe married now) to a Real Madrid footballer this women has shown she must have something about her, but again her tennis is letting her down – I quote: “Gisela is a frequent player on both the singles and doubles circuit but struggles to play with consistency in singles.” No excuses for poor consistency love, lets just hope your husband hasn’t followed the footballers trend and kept consistent with you, and not taken a fancy to your doubles partner, although in hindsight….!!!

6) MARIA KIRILENKO is perhaps our final player who you may not have heard of.  She has tennis prowess, proving this by winning the 2005 WTA Chinese Open, not bad going, with the looks as well – a definite potential winner, if only she can get her ranking down. (


So as we enter the business end of the table, not only do the looks have to be there, there has to be a brand, a name everyone remembers, a person who has brought tennis into the good, which is why I start with a potential outsider at number 5,

5)   Need I say anymore. (Good Brummy girl and photo taken down the road from were I live, perfect, justifies top 5 I think).

4) DANIELA HANTUCHOVA,          Well known name, won many titles, definitely threatening the top 3 but those off days that she has, plus some dodgy photos has prevented her from just making it.

3)  MARIA SHARAPOVA. Maria takes the brand to the whole new level, well known by everyone, big earner, big player and as I write this the only female on this list left in Wimbledon 2011.  I wish her all the best, and for those unsure of this beauty check her at the Wimbledon pre-party,

2)  After a recent photo-shoot with this girl, ANA IVANOVIC comes in silver place.  Stunner all round, tennis not bad either, and after meeting her in the flesh, my desire is always to be with Ana. (Keep any forest fans out there happy).

So that brings us to number 1: however here’s two videos to wet your appetite for women’s tennis before you read on.
(Don’t watch them too many times, don’t want the WTA to think women’s tennis has that much interest).

So at NUMBER 1 is a girl I once saw when I was a little younger, at first I thought what’s she doing playing tennis. Common sense has now prevailed and modelling became her greatest interest.  This talent was all the talk when she first turned professional and now she still makes the headlines but for different reasons, I give to you ANNA KOURNIKOVA.  I remember first seeing her and then whenever tennis came into conversation tried to slip her name in, ‘have you seen her’, but now all you can see her and bask in her glory:

She is the most searched sports player of all time and her website has been viewed more times than any other sports player in the world – wow! She also partnered with MARTINA HINGIS, a girl who just missed out on this left, and won many doubles titles, being number 1 in the doubles rankings for a while – such a shame you never won a singles title ever.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed my take on women’s tennis, and before you think you’ve never got a chance with these girls I leave you with this:

Sam Travell

JL: Don't think the future wife will be happy to see herself at number 10!

Arsene's regime crumbles like a cookie 

If there is anything certain in football, it is that without doubt, we will almost probably not be sure whether Cesc Fabregas is going to Barcelona or not. However, I can almost definitely guess, that without question, we will in all likelihood be bored of all talk about it. Probably.

In all seriousness, Arsenal these days resemble the last days of the Soviet Union (even if you never studied the Cold War you can pretty much understand what I'm going on about). The regime of a stubborn, single-minded leader, who believes all players at his club should play in the same style, is slowly crumbling beneath him as he tries to adapt to a changing world. The likes of Fabregas, Nasri and Clichy have been swayed by the talent in Spain and up north and are jumping ship like it's the Titanic.

Arsene Wenger may be a Frenchman, but he acts like a Jew, and not because his teams like to pass the ball into the net. Don't be surprised to see Sol Campbell brought back, alongside Patrick Vieira and Robert Pires as Le Professuer tries to save his dosh. Just as long as he doesn't bring back Pascal Cygan.
10 reasons to watch the women's World Cup

Good news for Forest fans, Andy Reid has returned to the club over 6 years since his £4 million move to Spurs. In other news, Burger King have announced they are to open a new store next to the City Ground.

Birmingham City owner Carson Yeung has been arrested over alleged bribery. This is the same Yeung who passed a "fit and proper person test" and promised to give then manager Alex McLeish around £50 million to spend. Harry Redknapp once said fans don't care who their owners are as long as they put the money into the club, even if they were Saddam Hussain. And even he probably would have been seen as acceptable. It is therefore no surprise that Birmingham should have Marlon King on their books, a player who the description of "fit and proper" has never been applicable. The Blues have been run as a Mickey Mouse club recently and knowing the Football League, there is always the chance that he could be actually running the club in the future, although he might have to keep Minnie away from the changing room.

England v. Sri Lanka 3rd odi - Kieswetter and Trott combined in the first powerplay: 5 runs from 26 balls
Angelo Matthews when blocking to try and let Chandimal reach his century: 1 from 21 balls

Quotes of the week

Arsene Wenger: "I am glad to welcome Pascal to the club. I feel he can add a lot to the team and improve team spirit."

Stuart Broad: "We will play a brand of fearless cricket."

Steve McClaren: "I, erm, am happy... to be able to welcome... Andy... to the club. I believe... he will bring... a great presence to the club."

Headline of the week - BBC Sport: 'Sex Crime player faces new probe'

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