Friday 19 April 2013

What it means to Kimsteven someone

Kimsteven - (verb, noun, wanker) In its truest sense, to Kimsteven someone means to be completely outplayed and then score a late, rubbish, undeserved goal which should easily have been avoided.

How to know if you have been Kimstevened: (If anyone of the following have happened then you know you have been well and truly Kimstevened)

The late goal is assisted by the referee or comes on the back of his bad decision

The goal is scored by a rapid black man who nobody can catch up

The winning team play a defensive formation with lots of holding midfielders

You have had 30 shots on goal, with 25 on target, whilst the opposition have had one deflected shot which has gone in

Example of a Kimstevening:

Further evidence of a Kimstevening:

The opposition are 3-0 down so put on more holding midfielders so as not to lose by more goals

The opposition are 3-0 down so start time wasting so as not to lose by more goals

An elaborate, massively over-the-top celebration after scoring some rubbish goal

A big, rapid black man is given the ball at all times just to run with it without any attempts to pass or cross

Your internet gets really slow

Other times to use the word Kimsteven:

When you are being skanked by someone or something e.g. this essay is absolutely Kimstevening me OR this weather is absolutely Kimstevening me